Our Winter Auction is OPEN until bids close on February 1! Your Log-In for the Auction is a separate account from your Shop account. February Buttons will post to the Shop February 6 at 12:00 am CT.
Lacquered Wood Scorpion
Big Abalone Heart
Lion on Celluloid
Cork Background Sax
Plique A Jour Moth
Large Lavender Jewel
Two Cats II
Elephant Portrait
Scrimshaw Cycle
Four-Leaf Clovers
Lampwork Nest
Shell in Aluminum
French Romanticism
18th-C Copper Basket
Rose Sew-Thru Shell
Marcasite Jewel
Enamel Balloon Scene
Swan Maiden
Lacy Glass Leaf
Wedgwood Horse
18th-C Shell Frame
18th-C. Shell on Steel
Beetle Micromosaic
Cow & Moon
Shell in Metal
Oval Gay 90s I
18th-C Copper Shape
Oval Gay 90s Il
Regency Lavender Jewel
18th-C Wedgwood